
Tuesday, 10 December 2019

D 4 A 3 Mass migration

My Opinion on Donald Trumps decision on building a wall to stop Mexicans from crossing the American-Mexican boarder.

I strongly disagree with what he is doing it is super racists and unfair to the families that are trying to cross they are just trying to start new lives and get a better job to feed their families.
Donald Trump might think he is doing good, but he is not making America great at all.
I strongly think they should elect a new President of the United States of America that will actually do good for their country. He only thinks about him self not the country that he is president of witch I do not like, he is a greedy man and he is not a good man.
I really hope something is done about this man what a disgrace.
Image result for donald trump

Thursday, 23 May 2019

How to make a stress ball.

We are learning how to write a explanation about stress balls . They help you if you are stressed out!

We are learning how to explain a simple task.

Title: How to make a stress ball

Equipment: 1 Funnel if you would like, 1 pair of scissors, 1 bowl, 2 balloons, rice or flour and sheet of paper to catch and rice or flour.
Introduction: A Stress ball is a squishy ball that calms you down and stops you from having a cry.
First you put a sheet of paper down on your surface then get all of your equipment.

Then put your bowl on the sheet of paper then grab your 2 balloons and your rice or flour, cut the top of the balloon off of one of the balloons then fill with rice or flour till the rice is nearly coming out then push all of the rice back down then put some more in and then leave it.

Next you cut the top off the other balloon and stuff the rice balloon in but you put the cut end in first so the rice doesn't come out.

Lastly decorate your balloon with markers and then clean your mess.

Have you ever made a stress ball?